Sign language and audiodescription

Diversity and inclusion have to do with language too.

Why is it important to consider accessibility?

The reach of your communication is much broader when you consider the diversity of your audience. Linguistic barriers exist not only between languages, but also in the way your message is delivered.

Do you want to understand better why these services are so important?

Sign language

Considering that 5% of the Brazilian population is hearing impaired (IBGE), we have around 10 million people in Brazil who use LIBRAS to communicate.

LIBRAS is the acronym for Brazilian Sign Language, also known as gestural language because it uses the hands and fingers instead of a spoken language.

This service can be live or virtual, in real time or pre-recorded.


Audiodescription translates images into words so that virtually impaired people can consume your content.

AD is also useful to people who cannot focus on visuals for other reasons, this includes people with cognitive and learning disabilities. This service can be live or virtual, in real time or pre-recorded.

Considering diversity means enriching experiences and allowing everyone to have a voice.